
Meet a Hoosier Dairy Farmer

Through the use of innovative and safe technology, Hoosier dairy farmers deliver exceptional animal care, sustainable nutrition, and fresh, delicious dairy foods. Recycling resources, generating electricity, and reducing the amount of land and water used on the farm are just a few ways dairy farmers are caring for their cows, land, and communities. Meet some Hoosier dairy farmers near you and get the inside scoop on their farms.

Northern Region Dairy Farmers

Triple M Dairy

Kimberly Minich

Superior Dairy

Tim Haynes

Kuehnert Dairy

Alan Kuehnert

Homestead Dairy

Jill Houin

Herr Dairy

Steve Herr

Leann Acres

Richard Thomas

Central Region Dairy Farmers

Boerman Farm

John Boerman

Sommer Farm

Lance Sommer

Neu Hope Dairy

Alex Neuenschwander

Dague Farms

Janet Dague

Southern Region Dairy Farmers

Schmitt Farm

Anita Schmitt

Schwoeppe Dairy

Sam Schwoeppe

Interested in featuring a dairy farmer?

Learn more about the hoosier dairy processors