Fuel up
Fuel Up provides resources that educate and empower adults, students and schools
Fuel Up is an initiative focused on helping educators and students fuel wellness in the areas that matter most, like being mindful and staying healthy. Our educational resources, partnerships and grant/funding opportunities aim to broaden access to good nutrition and overall wellness.
The ultimate goal is to ensure changes made at school are sustainable, making it possible for children to have more opportunities to be physically active and choose tasty, nutrient-rich foods (low-fat and fat-free dairy foods, fruits, vegetables and whole grains) throughout the school environment. This program even helps to meet school wellness goals.
Is your school ready to Fuel Greatness?
Join our Indiana Fuel Up Program Advisors Facebook group!
Why Fuel Up?
Fuel Up
Fueling Minds
Fuel Up provides the tools you need to help your students not only lead healthier and happier lives – but to be heard and inspire change.
Fuel Up enables students to become leaders by providing them with resources to make significant change and opportunities to build confidence and lifelong skills through teamwork
Fuel Up
Fueling Bodies
Through the Fuel Up platform, help your students learn that fueling their bodies with nutritious foods like dairy, fruits and veggies throughout the day gives the energy they need to be their very best.
Fuel Up’s initiatives broaden the scope of child wellness beyond nutrition and physical activity
Fuel Up
Caring for the Planet
Fuel Up provides educational resources for students to find out more about where their food comes from, the people behind it and how it’s made with care for the planet.
How Fuel Up Works
Key Program Elements
All participants have access to customizable program components including a Playbook, tools and resources, in-school materials, personalized educator and student Dashboards, and opportunities to earn incentives and rewards.
New! Fuel Up School Standards
It’s not easy finding and filling in the materials you need for your lesson plans each day! That’s why we’ve created the Fuel Up School Standards web page where you can find resources by grade level, videos and more!
Beyond health and wellness, the program offers students: leadership opportunities confidence team work Empowerment lifelong skills
Often several adults from the school (PE teacher, health teacher, school nutrition staff and/or administrators) sign up as the school’s Program Advisors at Fuel Up. Also, sign-up for Fuel Up newsletter through American Dairy Association Indiana and follow us online @INDairy for great tips and resources.
Schools choose a Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Play in the Playbook. Student teams then help plan, promote and execute the Plays.
Throughout the year, Indiana dairy farm families support grant funding to help kickoff new programs or enhance what your school is already doing. Grant applications should include details on how additional dairy can support your school’s efforts.
Have fun and be sure to share your success with the Fuel Up community and American Dairy Association Indiana.
Schools have access to free resources, plus additional contests for cool prizes all while making a positive impact in your school!