#ScoopItForward 2019

In honor of National Ice Cream Month, we decided to Scoop It Forward (think: Pay it forward, but sweeter!) to local Boys and Girls Clubs in Central Indiana. All this week, ice cream is being delivered to seven area clubs where boys and girls, of every age, will come together and celebrate. In total, over 1400 kiddos will receive a surprise afternoon sweet– a great way to honor Indiana being #2 in ice cream production!

Yesterday, we visited the Boys and Girls Club in Noblesville where we passed out more than 200 Prairie Farms/North Star Ice Cream sandwiches. Not one kiddo turned away the ice cream– can you blame them? Plus, we gave them permission to eat ice cream for every meal the rest of the month — they loved that!

Can you Scoop It Forward to anyone? If you do, use #ScoopitForward and we’ll be on the look out for your kind gesture!