school nutrition
ADAI is pleased to offer resources for Indiana’s school nutrition professionals, including webinars, downloads and more.
Featured School Toolkit
Here at ADAI, we want to assist you in telling your story about supporting local dairy farm families and participating in Farm to School procurement. Did you know that milk typically arrives at your school within 48 hours of leaving the farm? AND that the average travel distance from farm to school is no more than 200 miles?
The Milk is Local kit is designed to increase awareness of the freshness of the local school milk that you serve each day within your school meal program(s).
Included in your toolkit are:
- Milk is Local marketing materials (medium for materials chosen via sign up)
- Milk from Cow to You poster
- Milk from Cow to You downloadable handout/activity sheet
- One (1) American Dairy Association Indiana branded clipboard
- One (1) Why Winners Drink Milk poster
- Two (2) Instagram post images to share the message via social media
Please fill out the Google form below to request your kit today!
Additional School Resources
The Performance Pack is a turnkey toolkit designed to increase breakfast participation within secondary schools but could be used with USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) dinner programs or a la carte menus. Additionally, Performance Pack provides coaches and teachers a comprehensive nutrition education resource.
- Performance Packs Instruction Booklet
- Avery Template Instruction Sheet
- Menu Template
- Menu Instruction Sheet
- Social Media Guide
- Performance Pack Clings
- Performance Pack Stickers
- Performance Packs Posters
- A Coach’s Guide to Nutrition
- Performance Pack Lesson Plans: Coach’s Guide
- Performance Pack Lesson Plans: Student Guide
- Additional Resources
For a physical copy of the Performance Pack, contact Sheri Shipp, RD.
- Getting Started with Performance Pack
- Understanding the Nutrition Facts Panel
- Food Allergies vs Intolerance
- Sports Nutrition 101: Intro
- Sports Nutrition 101: Protein
- Sports Nutrition 101: Carbs
- Sports Nutrition 101: Fats
- Sports Nutrition 101: Hydration
- Sports Nutrition 101: Refuel
- Sports Nutrition 101: Recap
The USDA requires that all schools operating under the National School Lunch and/or National School Breakfast Program(s) must post signage explaining how to make a reimbursable meal.
ADAI, leaning on the input of the IDOE Division of School and Community Nutrition, created posters, with a fresh new look, to support you in meeting this requirement.
Offer vs. Serve Posters
Non-Offer vs. Serve Posters
Lend a Hand, Stop the Hunger
Food insecure families often rely on multiple sources of food assistance. Free or reduced school meals are critical in providing much needed nutrition to children, but sometimes this isn’t enough. School hunger relief programs can help feed students and their families, even after the school day ends. Take time to consider whether a program like this is something your administration could implement.
What is Bubble Tea?
Bubble tea (also called Boba) is a Taiwanese cold drink that is made with tea, milk and flavored syrups that is poured over a base of fruit or tapioca pearls that add a chewy texture to the drink.
Bubble Tea is a great addition to your offerings. Try one of our Bubble Tea recipes below!
Boost your breakfast. Add coconut, pumpkin puree, cinnamon, or even sharp cheddar and elevate that monotonous morning oatmeal to a level of amazing you’ve yet to taste.
Oats are among the healthiest grains on the planet. Adding milk to your morning oatmeal not only makes it deliciously creamy – it also provides added protein and keeps you feeling full for longer.
It might be cold outside, but your team will be warming things up in the cafeteria!
Have your students grab a cup of hot chocolate made with real milk at breakfast or lunch – it’s included in their meal.
An activation guide and customizable assets are available to download below.
Lattes are a delicious and easy way to include milk in your school.
Featuring hot or iced latted at breakfast can increase participation.
These three smoothie recipes are a great addition to your school!
Smoothies are a portable, powerhouse drink that count as a protein alternative.
Download our recipes now and shake things up!
The Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD) and American Dairy Association Indiana (ADAI) have developed a “Summer Can Be Fun” learning playbook to show that learning can be fun!
This resource contains seven different categories to choose from with lessons, videos and activities to that combine nutrition, farming, physical activity and culinary fun.
Each area has several items to choose from that can be done as a group, as an individual or as a demonstration for others.
More information to come soon!

Check Out Our New Summer Playbook!
Webinar Resources for school nutrition professionals

ADAI is pleased to offer an additional resource to School Nutrition Professionals, live and recorded webinars.