
2020 Indianapolis 500 Milk Preference Poll

Without a doubt, 2020 is proving to be a unique year filled with uncertainty and doubt, fear and excitement. However, in the midst of these unprecedented times comes something fans from all around the world need– familiarity. While the month of May has come and gone, August is one month race fans have been looking forward to for over a year.

The tradition of the Indianapolis 500 is incomparable to any other sporting event. The pomp and circumstance is like no other, but the finish… the completion of the Indianapolis 500, year after year, cannot happen without the delivery of ice cold milk in Victory Circle.

This year is very unique for us, as only one dairy farmer will be delivering the milk to the winning driver. Jill Houin of Homestead Dairy in Plymouth will be ready with whole milk, two-percent and fat-free. Majority have chosen whole, but regardless, Jill’s ready, and so are we… we’ll see you on August 23rd. #WinnersDrinkMilk